Meagan Elliott – University of Michigan, Sociology

June 22, 2016

Mapping Midtown: The Significance of Boundary Work Along Woodward Avenue

Simon Renoir – University of Michigan, Sociology

April 22, 2016

The Structuring and the Role of the Creative Industries in Detroit in the Current Urban and Economic Revitalization of the City 

Nelson Saldaña – University of Michigan, Sociology

April 1, 2016

Where Everybody Knows Your Name: Unpacking Meanings of Entrepreneur-ship and the Role of Small Businesses in the Revitalization of Detroit

Alex Elkins – Temple University, History

February 24, 2016

Liberals and “Get-Tough” Policing in Postwar Detroit

Claire Herbert – University of Michigan, Sociology

January 29, 2016

Survival and Lifestyle: Different Praxes of Property Appropriation

Andrew Hnatow – Wayne State University, History

December 10, 2015

“Ghost Towns in the Very Near Future”: Local 600’s Campaign Against Industrial Decentralization, 1950-1952

Eric Seymour – University of Michigan, Urban and Regional Planning

November 20, 2015

Foreclosure, Federal Financial Institutions, and the Fortunes of Detroit’s Middle- and Working-Class Neighborhoods

Jenny Lendrum – Wayne State University, Sociology

October 1, 2015

Detroit’s Informal Economy: Neighborhood Networks & Spatial Arrangements